We are pleased to announce the addition of Anita Purohit, a Certified Personal Trainer to our health team. Exercise is paramount to optimal health, and for the prevention of muscle and joint pain conditions. We believe offering personal training will allow patients to recover faster and help develop health skills that will result in long lasting health…
We all know that as we age we tend to lose muscle mass. The best way to slow down this loss is by weight training. But do protein supplements help too? A study in the April 2018 edition of JAMA internal medicine did not find a link between protein supplements and muscle mass. A randomized…
If hitting the gym is on your to-do list this year, then you may be ready for some heavy lifting. You may already know to bend your knees to lift with ease, but you also need to keep your back straight! Studies show that the most common injuries among weightlifters are to the spine, shoulders and knees. A neutral spine — with 3 natural curves in your neck, upper back and…
Has anyone ever told you to workout your core? Does this image come to mind: What is the core and why do we need to work it out? Let’s explore: The word ‘core’ describes a group of large muscles in the torso. These muscles include the…
Shawn Arent, the director of the Center for Health and Human Performance at Rutgers University and a Fellow in the American College of Sports Medicine, explains the mistakes that people make when they’re trying to get bigger muscles. Watch the video below:
A recent CBC article has created a lot of buzz lately. According to the article, short 20 second bursts of intense exercise can as beneficial as a moderate 45 minute workout. Bursts of exercise, when combined with a warm up and cool down period can improve your heart fitness by 20% over a 12 week…