Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Massage Therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, muscular over-use, and many chronic pain conditions. It can be particularly effective for relieving Hips and Thigh Pain, promoting relaxation, and improving circulation.
Therapeutic massage is an important part of your health maintenance plan, by:
Whether you suffer from back, neck or lower body pain, chronic injuries or muscle tension, our RMTs have the massage for you.
At The Muscle and Joint Clinic, our Registered Massage Therapists help you harness both the physical and mental benefits of massage such as:
Whatever is making you stressed, it’s not doing your body any favors. Stress can cause you to feel anxious, cause headaches, stomach pains, high blood pressure and sleep disturbances.
Massage can help you work through that stress by releasing muscle tension and tightness and relieving pain. Massage helps you let go of the stress to help relax your body and clear your mind.
Regular massage will help lower your stress levels and improve your overall wellness.
When you are in a state of relaxation, your heart and breathing rates slow down, your blood pressure falls, the production of stress hormones decreases and your muscles relax. Regular massage can help you carry this relaxed state with you and help lower your stress levels as you go about your day.
Massage helps work out the knots, tension, stiffness and pain that life hands you. It gives you the opportunity to free your body and your mind of life’s stresses and feel totally relaxed.
Got cold feet? Try a massage. Help bring oxygen-rich blood to your extremities and your tense, damaged muscles with massage.
Massage’s gentle pressure helps free up congestion to ensure that your whole body benefits from the oxygenated blood being pumped by your heart.
Many of us are guilty of hunching over our desks, laptops and our mobile phones for much of the day.
Massage Therapy to the rescue: By loosening tightness, releasing knots and relaxing the stiffness that our days impose on our bodies, we can release tension and stand taller.
Because migraines and headaches are often caused by stress and tension, massage is a great way to help ease and prevent them. Massage helps work past the pain throughout your body to help relax your body and clear your head.
Regular, specialized massage can help you pinpoint the source of your pain and work through it by focusing on releasing knots, relieving aches and muscle stiffness and easing tension.
Massage Therapy can help release muscle tension to relieve pain and soreness, release stiffness and reduce your stress levels.
Massage Therapy focuses on tense areas to release knots, tightness and tension in the muscles of your back, arms, legs and neck — to help relieve pain and tension and help you relax.
But the benefits don’t end there. When you reduce muscle tension and stress, you help also pave the way for benefits to your flexibility, mood and overall wellness.