Author: Dr. Malik

The average commute time in Toronto has risen to 65.6 minutes, and as a result we are seeing more patients with back pain injuries caused by poor car ergonomics. Adjusting your car seat correctly can help reduce the pressure on your lower back and make your ride more comfortable. The ergonomics of sitting in a…

With the increase use of smartphones and tablets we are noticing that more patients are experiencing numbness and tingling into their fingers. These symptoms can be a sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The carpal tunnel is a small tunnel located within the wrist. This tunnel allows the passage of tendons, nerves and blood vessels to…

A recent CBC article has created a lot of buzz lately. According to the article, short 20 second bursts of intense exercise can as beneficial as a moderate 45 minute workout. Bursts of exercise, when combined with a warm up and cool down period can improve your heart fitness by 20% over a 12 week…

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Ayesha Qureshi will be joining our health team this month. Dr. Ayesha Qureshi, ND has a strong focus on nutritional counselling, nutraceuticals, botanical medicine and acupuncture. She also provides pain management treatment protocols that incorporates diet and lifestyle counselling, supplementation, trigger point release and acupuncture with electro-stimulation. She…

We all want to be happy, healthy, and fit…but the “want to” and the “how to” is what usually gets in the way.  In January, I once again started the year of with the typical resolution of “wanting” to lose weight.  I joined a bootcamp and signed up for a challenge which included a full…

With the warm weather, comes an increase in sport activity. And with an increase in sport activity, we are seeing more sport related injuries in the clinic.  Concussions are unfortunately becoming more common; more than 23% of adolescents reported injuries to their head in the previous year. With more youth playing sports, the rate of…

After nearly 100 years, crutches are finally getting a makeover. As someone who has used crutches in the past, I can say it is about time. The current design is quite flawed. The pressure from the original crutch targets the hands and shoulder, which can cause bruising and arm pain. With repetitive use, these injuries…

A new research from Penn States shows that older adults who strength trained at least twice a week can reduce their risk of mortality by 46%! The study involved following participants for 15 years. What they found is that even when they adjusted demographic variables, health behaviours and health conditions, there was still a statistically…

Migraines are a type of headache often occurring due to stress. Migraines usually do not occur due to trauma or muscle strain. They usually start in the forehead and side (fronto-temporal) regions of the head and can spread to other areas including the neck and upper back.     Migraine headaches are usually accompanied with…

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