Author: Dr. Malik

“Hi! My name is Sarmila and I’ve been practicing as an RMT since January 2016 and I’m so excited to be part of the Muscle and Joint team. I come with a background in Kinesiology and Athletic Therapy, which has helped to shape my Massage Therapy practice immensely. I’ve had many patients who have benefited…

A good pillow for sleeping should be comfortable to lay your head upon, but most importantly it must support your neck keeping it in alignment with the rest of your spine. There are many different pillows on the market today from traditional feather and fiber ones to shaped pillows, memory foam and buckwheat pillows. It…

We know that sitting too much is not good for the body, but did you know that sitting and poor posture can cause more than just the occasional neck and back pain? Other problems such as poor balance, breathing difficulties, and headaches can be also be caused by poor posture. A recent health article in…

BMI, short for Body Mass Index is a helpful tool used to determine if a person is overweight or obese. Use this calculator to calculate your BMI. People who have a BMI under 25 are considered normal weight, a BMI between 25 and 30 is considered overweight, and a BMI over 30 is considered obese….

The short answer: Yes Meniscal and ACL injuries can increase the risk of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis increases the wear and tear on the knee joint, increasing cartilage erosion and increasing stress on the joint. The recent study comprised of nearly 3.6 million patient cases. Analysis of the results demonstrated that patients with ACL injuries had a…

The plantaris muscle is a little know muscle located at the back of the leg that extends from the back of the knee into the ankle. The plataris muscle is considered to be vestigial, meaning it is a remanent of a  larger muscle in our earlier stages of evolution. Because it is of such minor…

A recent study showed encouraging results for those interested in increasing muscle strength and who are short on time. Thirty-four healthy individuals were randomly assigned to 3 experimental groups, performing a range of exercises over an eight week period. At the end of the eight weeks, muscle strength was evaluated and compared.  The results showed…

Torticollis is a common condition found in children, whereby the neck is positioned at an angle relative to the body. The word torticollis is derived from a Latin word meaning ‘twisted neck’. The twisting is usually caused by a muscle spasms in the neck, particularly the SCM or sternocleidomastoid muscle. Most cases are seen in…

A recent prospective randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of corticosteroid injections to shockwave therapy for carpal tunnel syndome over 24 weeks. For a review of what carpal tunnel syndrome is click here. To learn more about shockwave therapy click here. A total of 25 patients were randomized into two groups, one for shockwave therapy…

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