Tag Archive : cooking

In a world where time is scarce, we now find ourselves in a new reality with an abundance of time. The situation we are in is unique, the last time we faced a similar situation was 102 years ago during the Spanish Flu (When the Spanish Flu came to Ontario). Being confined to our home…

Source: CanolaInfo.org INGREDIENTS 5 large potatoes, red or russet or sweet potatoes 8 cups canola oil 2 L 1 tsp salt 5 mL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cut potatoes into uniform length and thickness for even cooking. Preheat canola oil to a frying temperature of 375 °F (190 °C). To cook French fries properly, it is important…

Like many people, I would bake and cook with aluminum foil. It is a great way to help avoid scrubbing pans after baking. However, what I didn’t know is that when cooking with foil, the aluminum can leach into your food which is bad for your health. Leafy vegetables and acidic foods such as tomatoes and…

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