I was listening to a podcast recently, and the author described the four pillars of well-being. These four pillars interconnect with one another, if one of these pillars is missing, it affects the others, like a structure of a building.
As we end 2022, I wanted to share these four pillars with you in hopes they can serve as a guide of what to strive for in 2023.
1. Nutrition: Eating healthy is essential to well being. If your diet and nutrition is poor, you will lack the fuel and energy to move forward with other health-related goals. Sugar is especially detrimental, too much sugar will leave you feeling sluggish and with very little energy. Too much sugar over time can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Try to swap sugary food with fruits and nuts. Sugar in fruits contains fibres, minerals and vitamins which is a much healthier option to sweets and baked goods. White rice, pasta and bread also contain sugar, try switching to whole wheat options instead.
2. Exercise: Exercise is the most powerful medicine available. From blood pressure management, healthier bones and joints, to weight loss and improved memory and thinking, exercise can have a tremendous benefit on the body. The benefits of exercise can be obtained in as little as ten to fifteen minutes of moderate activity a day. This activity could be as simple as an outdoor walk, or an indoor bike ride. Research shows that the benefits of exercise can include a reduction in the risk of heart disease, blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes, and can help reduce stress and anxiety.
3. Cognition refers to our ability to think. It also refers to our ability to recognize, obtain, comprehend, and answer information that is presented to us. Examples of cognition include concentration, the ability to remember things, analyzation, problem-solving, categorizing, and reordering. We need to be able to do all these things to be successful in our daily lives in work, social, and academic environments. Like everything else in our lives, our cognitive health is directly related to our overall mental health. For those suffering from mental health issues, the ability to perform even the most basic cognitive tasks can be nearly impossible. Some signs of cognitive dysfunction as a result of a mental health issue include:
– Not being able to problem-solve
– Poor decision making
– Confusion
– Regular headaches
– A decline in performance either at work or at school
– Having difficulty concentrating
– Having trouble focusing or thinking clearly
– Memory loss
– Difficulty sleeping
The good news is, even if you find yourself suffering from one or more of these issues there are things that you can do to not only improve your cognitive health but your overall mental health as well. Strengthening and exercising the brain can go a long way when it comes to improving cognitive function. Some of the things that you can do include:
– Puzzles
– Writing
– Reading
– Physical exercise
– Hobbies such as cooking, art, and playing an instrument
4. Sleep: Lack of sleep is no joke and getting a good night’s rest is important. We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, so getting the most out of it is important. Preventing stress or worries that keep you up at night may be difficult, but a few simple lifestyle and nutritional changes can help you wake-up feeling refreshed.
Tips For Better Sleep:
Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages such as coffee, colas and tea in the evening. Caffeine is a stimulant and can make it difficult for you to fall asleep
Try to go to bed at the same time everyday. This includes weekends! This will help to keep your sleep cycle in a regular rhythm.
Exposure yourself to bright light/sunlight soon after you wake up. This will help to regulate your body’s natural biological clock.
Avoid looking at the clock if you happen to wake in the middle of the night. This can cause added anxiety and keep you away even longer.
If you can’t fall asleep after 30 minutes of trying, get our of bed and do something boring in dim light until you become sleepy.