Dr. Ayesha Qureshi, ND Naturopathic Doctor September is here which means back to school! This year, back to school may have a different ring to it. Whether you or your child are physically back to school or doing distant learning, we can all agree that focusing on immune health is important this fall. If you are…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeVRkKkUlOc A Guide to Healing with Psoriasis: Psoriasis is an auto-immune skin condition that affects 1 million Canadians and many others around the world. Although classified as a skin condition, psoriasis has many systemic manifestations that are fueled by inflammation and autoimmunity in the body. It is characterized by red, scaly lesions on the skin…
By Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala, ND Eczema, commonly known as Atopic Dermatitis, is one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions in Canada. It affects 10-15% of children, many of whom are still affected by it in their adulthood. Eczema is very often confused to be a skin condition because of its characteristic itchy rash. However, it’s…
By Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala, ND Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), also known as irritable colon or spastic colon is a digestive concern characterized by symptoms such as stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation and/or bloating. The symptoms vary from person-to-person and severely affects a person’s quality of life. For example, IBS sufferers may not be able to eat…
By Dr Tanvi Tijoriwala – ND Allergy season is here and since symptoms of allergies can resemble those of COVID-19, it might be hard to differentiate between the two. In this article, we talk about the differentiating symptoms of seasonal allergies and COVID-19. We also talk about when to seek help and some natural…
By Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala, ND When it comes to infections, having a strong immune system is key to protect us from disease-causing microorganisms. Typically, our immune system does a phenomenal job at fighting away bacteria, fungi and viruses. However, due to several reasons, our immune defenses can be weakened, causing us to get sick…
By Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala, Naturopathic Doctor Lights, eggnog and family. December is all about connecting with the people you love over food and giving back to the community. But for many, the holiday season comes with anxiety around having to eat foods they are sensitive to. Even for some with no food sensitivities, indulging in…
By Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala, ND Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which our body does not react normally to insulin, a hormone that regulates the sugar levels in the blood. Due to this, we are unable to utilize glucose for normal functions. Having a high blood sugar level can cause symptoms such as excess…
We are excited to announce the addition of injectable services at Muscle and Joint Clinic. Vitamin B12 injections will be offered by our Naturopathic Doctor – Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is commonly found in animal products and eggs. It plays an important role in energy production, maintaining nerve health…