As a Chiropractor and a father of two, I thought it would be appropriate to help explain when and why children should see a Chiropractor. We see children in our clinic all the time, I would like to help answer some questions that may have crossed your mind as a parent. Firstly, I should mention…
A recent meta-analysis posted in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine201818:257 examined the role paediatric massage therapy can have for treating acute diarrhoea in children. A total of 26 studies encompassing 2644 patients were included in the study. It was shown that paediatric massage was significantly better than pharmacotherapy in treating acute diarrhoea in children in…
Neck pain is becoming more prevalent in the children we see in our clinic. The amount of time children are spending on devices is contributing to chronic neck and upper back pain. A study recently reported in the Journal of The Canadian Chiropractic Association investigated the correlation between Chiropractic Care for neck pain in…
Kids may think it’s “cool” to strap on their backpacks and head out to school. But if they don’t know exactly how to choose, load, lift and wear them, backpacks can become a pain in the back. Carrying a heavy load incorrectly can result in poor posture. This can cause muscle strain, headaches, back, neck and…