The store shelves may be out of Lysol but the good news is that you can make your very own disinfectant at home. These steps are provided by Health Canada and can be found here.
Although they do not claim to kill viruses such as COVID-19, home cleaners can help limit the transfer of microorganisms. For high-touch surfaces such as door handles, toys and phones, Health Canada recommends cleaning these often with either:
Disinfectants, household cleaners, and bleach are meant to be used to clean surfaces. Never use these products on the skin or internally (e.g. by swallowing or injecting these products) as this could cause serious harm.
If you are in the market for hard-surface disinfectant, be sure to view the Health Canada list of products that are likely to be effective against Covid19. The list can be found here.
Take care and be safe!
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