Don’t Take Back Pain Sitting Down!

26 Nov, 2023 | Dr. Malik | No Comments

Don’t Take Back Pain Sitting Down!

Sitting down after a long day should be a relief, but for many, it’s the opposite. Sitting can often aggravate back pain rather than alleviate it. This blog post delves into the common reasons for lower back pain while sitting and shares effective strategies for relief and prevention.

Why Does Sitting Cause Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain when sitting is a common complaint, with muscle spasms being a probable cause. Prolonged sitting, like during long car rides, can exacerbate this discomfort due to increased pressure on the back muscles and spine.

Common Conditions Linked to Sitting-Induced Back Pain

  • Herniated Discs: This condition involves the bulging of spinal discs, which can pinch nerves and cause pain. Sitting increases pressure on these discs, intensifying discomfort.
  • Sciatica: Often stemming from disc problems, sciatica involves pain that radiates from the lower back to the legs and feet.

When Sitting Eases Back Pain

Interestingly, in conditions like spinal stenosis, a type of arthritis, sitting might actually relieve pain. This is because sitting slightly bends the lower back, temporarily easing nerve pressure.

When to Consult a Chiropractor

While back pain can often be managed at home, it’s crucial to seek Chiropractic advice if the pain persists, worsens, or follows an injury. It is important to different the pain from an injury versus regular movements.

Effective Pain Relief Strategies

Contrary to instinct, the best response to back pain isn’t just lying down. The goal should be to keep moving, as walking can often be more beneficial than sitting.

Treating and Preventing Back Pain

Treatment often involves activity modification and exercise. For severe symptoms, therapies like massage, chiropractic, or physical therapy might be recommended. Regular physical activity strengthens the back and improves flexibility, acting as a preventive measure.

Simple Exercises for a Healthy Back

  • Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Lie on your back and pull one knee toward your chest, then repeat with the other leg.
  • Pelvic Tilts: While lying on your back with knees bent, gently flatten your lower back to the floor.
  • Back Extensions: Lie face down and gently arch your lower back, resting on your forearms.
  • Leg Extensions: Start on hands and knees and extend one leg back without raising it above body level.
  • Buttock Bridges: Lie on your back, lift your buttocks off the floor, and hold.


Understanding the causes of back pain when sitting and implementing these strategies can significantly improve your comfort and mobility. Remember, regular movement and simple exercises can be key to managing and preventing back pain. For personalized advice, always consult a healthcare professional.

This content is for informational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice.

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