Making changes in your life is always hard at first, but it gets easier once it becomes part of your routine. Making changes to your eating habits is the same. It requires an initial investment of time and efforts, but if you stick with your new habits it can lead to amazing long-term results.
Like: Having more energy
Feeling better in your body
Feeling less bloated
Loosing weight
And more!
The key is to choose the right things to change, so that you can stick with your new eating habits. This way you can see actual results in the short term, but also in the long term. As a Dietitian, I can help you pick the right changes for YOU and set goals that can lead you to success and long-term health.
Most people eat the same meals and snacks at the same time every week. The key to long term success is to improve this basic routine. Don’t worry about the occasional celebrations. Instead, choose something you eat every week or every day and start by making one small change at a time to avoid becoming overwhelmed and give up after a few days.
Remember that things will get much easier! The first few weeks are the hardest, but once it becomes part of your routine it won’t require any efforts on your part to maintain your goals.
If you are interested in getting guidance and support to make nutrition changes in your life and become healthier and leaner one change at a time, please reach out to the Muscle and Joint clinic to book a consult with a dietitian.
Chloe Turgeon, RD