Tag Archive : Pregnancy

Studies suggest that up to 90 percent of pregnant women will experience low back and/or pelvic pain related to their pregnancy. The weight gain during pregnancy can also place additional stress on the hips, feet, ankles and knees. The pain also contributes to other problems, such as sleep disturbances, use of pain medication and disruption…

This month, I had two patients inquire about diastasis recti. As common as this condition is, it is seldom talked about. Given the prevalence of this condition and the pain it can cause, we decided to shed some light on it in this month’s newsletter. Diastasis recti, also called the ‘pooch’, is when the belly…

Many women expect to experience low back pain at some point in their pregnancy, but some of the other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions associated with pregnancy can come as more of a surprise. The hormonal changes that can affect your joints, as well as the additional weight being carried in pregnancy can lead to aches, pains or discomfort….

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