We know that sitting too much is not good for the body, but did you know that sitting and poor posture can cause more than just the occasional neck and back pain? Other problems such as poor balance, breathing difficulties, and headaches can be also be caused by poor posture. A recent health article in…
Over 80% of the working population will experience low back pain at least once in their lifetime. Many people sit all day at work, often with poor posture, and this can increase the risk of developing low back pain. Sitting down for long periods of time, repetitive movements and awkward work positions may lead to…
Following up on our discussion last month on good sleeping positions this month we will take it a step further by discussing how to choose the right pillow. This is a question we get asked often at the clinic, especially after someone has hurt their neck. Sleeping on a bad pillow can lead to muscle…
If you have a long commute and are experiencing back pain, a lumbar support seat cushion may be right for you. Driving can put considerable stress on the lower spinal muscles and joints, leading to pain and discomfort. Add the aggravation of driving and the stop-and-go traffic, chances are your back is not too pleased…
The average commute time in Toronto has risen to 65.6 minutes, and as a result we are seeing more patients with back pain injuries caused by poor car ergonomics. Adjusting your car seat correctly can help reduce the pressure on your lower back and make your ride more comfortable. The ergonomics of sitting in a…
With the increase use of smartphones and tablets we are noticing that more patients are experiencing numbness and tingling into their fingers. These symptoms can be a sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The carpal tunnel is a small tunnel located within the wrist. This tunnel allows the passage of tendons, nerves and blood vessels to…