Six years ago I finished school and was looking for a massage therapist position. Excited and nervous I walked through the doors of Muscle and Joint Clinic and was greeted by Robyn and Dr Malik. Little did I know at that time that they would not only become my long term coworkers but also my family.
As of Sept 30th I will be leaving to work full time at a clinic in Hamilton. I have grown so much as an RMT and also as a person throughout my career here. To my clients that have entrusted my hands in their care I thank you, I will miss each and every one of you. Thank you Dr Malik for your leadership, support, and guidance. Robyn, thank you for taking me under your wing, you have become one of my very best friends. I am truly blessed to have had my roots as a Massage Therapist grow with Dr Malik and the team both present and past over these 6 years. I wish you all good health, love, and happiness.
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