Muscle and Joint Blog


Car Injury? What To Do If You Have Whiplash

It is no secret that the winter months see a rise in car accident occurrences compared to any other month of the year. It could be due to the rush of the holiday season, the shortened days, or the difficult driving conditions in winter. If,unfortunately,you do find yourself involved in a car accident, it is important…


A Better You In 2019!

When you’ve got a lot on the go, personal goals can get lost in the shuffle. Between work, kids, commuting, cooking, andhousework, sometimes it’s hard to find the time for your personal health and fitness. Chiropractors can be part of the solution to building a better you. You may be surprised at the number of ways…


Recipe Of The Month!

Peanut-Apple Crunch Balls “Lightly wetting your hands helps make the cereal, apple, and peanut mixture easier to shape into balls. A drizle of white chocolate tops them off.” Ingredients ⅓ cup chunky peanut butter ¼ cup 68% vegetable oil spread ¼ cup honey 1 cup rice and wheat cereal flakes, coarsely crushed 1 cup bran…


Is A Glass Of Lemon Water In The Morning Really Good For You?

It tastes gross, but does it actually work? Lemon water has been touted as the best way to start your morning, but is it true? Let’s explore. Hydrating yourself first thing in the morning is an absolute necessity. Your last drink of water was probably 6-8 hours ago, and after exhaling water vapor all night,…


Do Your Feet Get Bigger As You Age?

Yes, they do! This came as a surprise; according to an article by Harvard Health, our feet do get bigger as we age. By the age of 50,we will have put nearly 120,000 kilometers on our feet! All of that wear and tear can cause the loss of fat pads on the bottom of our…


Coping With Pain

Last week was exceptional; I had more patients present to the clinic in tears because of their pain than I can ever remember. We see patients in pain all the time; after all, it is what we treat. However, when the pain overruns a patient’s life, it is always a difficult sight to see. The good…


Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? New Research Shows This Technique Is An Effective Treatment!

Mississauga, ON – New research examining a treatment technique for people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome has demonstrated some interesting results. Carpal tunnel syndome is a condition whereby a person may feel numbness, tingling and pain into their hand and fingers. This condition is usually caused by working long hours on a computer or laptop,…


10 Tips for a Safe Halloween

As your little ones prepare their costumes to trick or treat their way through the night, the Canadian Red Cross has prepared a quick list of 10 tips to make sure everyone gets home safely. You may not need to fear vampires and ghosts knocking on your door, but fire hazards, scrapes and getting lost…


Homemade Fish Sticks

You can make these homemade fish sticks in about the same amount of time it takes to bake a box of the frozen kind—with a fraction of the fat. Ingredients Canola oil cooking spray 1 cup whole-wheat dry breadcrumbs,  or ½ cup plain dry breadcrumbs 1 cup whole-grain cereal flakes 1 teaspoon lemon pepper ½…

Did You Know:

You Can Book A Free Virtual Pain Consultation!

We understand that being in pain is not a choice, and it can present you with many questions. This is why at the Muscle and Joint Pain we offer free, no strings attached consultations with a doctor. This allows you the opportunity to get answers fast, and be guided towards the treatment method that can deliver the best results.

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