
A concussion is a mild form of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A concussion occurs when an impact causes the head and brain to shake quickly back and forth, similar to what occurs during a whiplash. Common causes of concussion include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents (whiplash)
  • Work injuries
  • Playground accidents
  • Sports injury to the head or neck
  • Direct blow to the head, face or neck

Concussions are not usually considered to be life threatening, however they can cause some serious symptoms which require treatment. Some of the common symptoms may include:

  • memory problems
  • confusion
  • drowsiness or feeling sluggish
  • dizziness
  • double or blurred vision
  • headache
  • nausea or vomiting
  • sensitivity to light or noice
  • balance problems
  • slowed reaction to stimuli


Physiotherapists will evaluate and treat many of the problems related to concussion. During the examination they will assess your individual symptoms and challenges to setup a plan of action. Some treatments may include:

Rest and recovery

Your physiotherapist can help you understand why limitations of your activities (physical, sport, recreational, electronics, school) is important after a concussion and when it is safe to return. Rest helps the brain recover and heal, and help symptoms clear up.

Restoring strength and endurance

When the time comes, it is important to work on regaining strength and endurance that has been lost throughout the periods of physical and mental rest required. Your physiotherapist will design an exercise program for you that take into account your abilities and limitations, monitoring your symptoms through this process.

Stopping dizziness and improving balance

Dizziness and balance difficulties are common following a concussion. The vestibular system, which is very important to your balance and in preventing dizziness, can be worked on by physiotherapists through manual therapy and specific exercises.

Reducing headaches

Physiotherapists can assess the possible causes of persistent headaches, and apply treatments and exercises to address them. Treatments can include stretching, strengthening, mobility exercises, eye exercises and hands-on techniques.

Returning to normal activity or sport

As symptoms decrease and normal strength and endurance returns, your physiotherapist will assist you in adding normal activities back into your routine. There will be ongoing monitoring to ensure that there is no overloading of the brain and nervous system. Overloading of the brain, slows down the healing and recovery and can make symptoms return.

Common treatment options:


At the Muscle and Joint Clinic,  Physiotherapy offers patients in Mississauga exceptional care with a personalized treatment plan to suit your specific needs. If you are suffering from pain or have recently experienced an injury, our Mississauga Physiotherapists will ensure you get back to the activities you enjoy and love. Call us at (905) 593-1605 for an appointment today or email us at to book a consultation.

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