Tag Archive : Exercise

You might have seen these devices on a television ad or on Amazon.ca. These are straps that claim to help correct posture if worn throughout the day. Here are some examples:   Besides putting a smile on your face, they provide very little value. Let me explain. We are born with natural posture correctors which…

What should your heart rate be when working out, and how can you keep track of it? Our simple chart will help keep you in the target training zone, whether you want to lose weight or just maximize your workout. Find out what normal resting and maximum heart rates are for your age and how…

According to a recent study in the July 19, 2019 edition of the Clinic Rehabilitation Journal, adding a scapular exercise program to a patient who has a distal radial fracture can provide a significant benefit towards their recovery. Here are the details of the study: OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of a scapular exercise programme…

We are pleased to announce the addition of Anita Purohit, a Certified Personal Trainer to our health team. Exercise is paramount to optimal health, and for the prevention of muscle and joint pain conditions. We believe offering personal training will allow patients to recover faster and help develop health skills that will result in long lasting health…

Consider the fact that parents may be lifting a 7-10 pound baby 50 times a day. By 12 months, your baby weighs approximately 17 pounds, and at 2 years, that child has become a 25-30 pound toddler. The repetitive lifting of your child may put you at risk for back problems. What’s a parent to…

Is there really such thing as a twenty-second exercise? According to an article in the New York Times there is! Two new studies demonstrate that twenty-second interval-style training, if done multiple times a day, can be enough exercise to improve your health and fitness. The twenty-second exercise sessions model after high-intensity interval training (H.I.I.T.) workouts….

Small doses of stress help us rise to challenges by making us more alert, focused, and energetic. However, trying to balance our personal and professional lives sometimes throws things out of sync and causes negative symptoms such as aches, pains, andstiffness. Research has shown that people in high-stress environments experience the chronic shortening of neck and shoulder…

This month, I had two patients inquire about diastasis recti. As common as this condition is, it is seldom talked about. Given the prevalence of this condition and the pain it can cause, we decided to shed some light on it in this month’s newsletter. Diastasis recti, also called the ‘pooch’, is when the belly…

According to a recent World Health Organization Report, one in four people are at risk of poor health due to inactivity. The WHO defines inactive as those who did less than 150 minutes of moderate exercise – or 75 minutes at vigorous intensity – a week. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic health problems…

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