I have a lot of patients preparing to start living a healthy lifestyle in the new year; the dreaded new year’s resolution. But a new year’s resolution is probably the worst way to start a healthy lifestyle; I’ll explain.
As you may have heard, new year’s resolutions are destined to fail. According to this site only 8% of people will keep their resolution! The most common reason why resolutions fail is that they are fundamentally flawed. From a specific date, people expect themself to do a complete 180-degree change in their lifestyle habits. Overnight they try to eat healthier, go to the gym, be more active and cut out sugar. In essence what they are trying to do looks like this:
When in fact what they should be doing is this:
Rather than deciding to climb Mount Everest on January 1st, why not take a few small steps that are more achievable and more importantly on your own schedule.
These can be simple changes, such as:
Some healthy activities don’t need to be actual activities. Instead you can start the new year exercising your most important muscle of all, your brain! A few suggestions include:
Once you feel ready to make a change then do so gradually. These changes should not be burdensome and should fit within your lifestyle.
Here are some other changes I made which I hope will inspire you to make healthy choices in the new year. Please note some of these changes took years to implement and were mostly done one at a time. There is still the occasional cheat day, but the trend now is mostly healthy!
If you have reached until the end of this article then I hope you have found it to be helpful and motivational. Do check out our other related health information and topics in our blog. I hope this article inspires you to live a healthy lifestyle.
Happy New Year To You And Your Family!
Wishing You The Best Of Health In 2018!
Dr Malik
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