Category Archive : Blog

Can you really feel weather changes in your joints? We all have that one relative who insists they can predict weather changes from their knees, but is it true? Is there any proof of a link between weather changes and sore joints? As of now there is no direct scientific evidence of a cause-effect relationship…

Just as the leaves change during the fall season, so do our activities and household chores. Whether you are hauling big pumpkins in and out of your car for Halloween carving or raking the leaves in your yard – it is important to be mindful of your back during the excitement and hard work you…

Long COVID is an umbrella term used to describe both the acute COVID-19 infection and any residual post-COVID-19 symptoms that last longer than 4 weeks1 and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis. Just like the infectious period of COVID-19, the signs and symptoms of Long COVID are on a spectrum, ranging from a mild…

A few weeks ago I decided to run a 5k. To help fit it in my busy day, I decided to skip the warm up. This ended up being a bad decision.  During the run, I started to develop pain on the outside of my left leg. This pain was not something new, I usually…

When you have breast cancer, your treatments, such as radiation, surgery and chemotherapy, are physically hard on you. Receiving a cancer diagnosis and managing it is also emotionally stressful. This stress puts even more tension on your body. Odd as it may sound, breast cancer and chiropractic care can go together. While a chiropractor can’t…

When that first snowfall hits, many of us scramble to unearth last year’s winter boots from the back of the closet. If you’re realizing they’re a bit tired, it may be time to hit the shoe store for a new pair—but first, here are some tips on choosing a winter boot that won’t just provide…

We have all heard that processed foods are bad for you, but what exactly are processed foods, and what makes them so bad? Did you know that most foods need some degree of processing, and that some processed foods may actually be good for you! According to the Mayo clinic, “processed food are any raw…

By Dr.Mehreen Hussain,ND   Around 20 million Americans have some form of Thyroid dysregulation and that’s only those who get lab tested, the millions that have not been tested or lab values are normal range, are left thinking what’s wrong with my body? Naturopathic doctors see thyroid conditions on a regular basis, as conventional medicine…

Research has shown, sitting at work accounts for one-third to one-half of sitting time. Sitting at your desk, in meetings and in your car to and from work, are common for most people. You’re likely sitting while reading this blog. Sitting for prolonged periods can cause back, neck and shoulder pain. Most think you’re more…

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