Category Archive : Blog

31 Aug, 2022 | Dr. Malik | No Comments

Rib Pain

If you have ever experienced pain while breathing, it could have been due a rib subluxation. We have 12 pairs of ribs that encircle our lungs for protection. To help us breathe, these ribs must move with the lungs, similar to the movement of a bucket handle. The ribs are anchored to breast bone in…

Cycling in Ontario has seen a spike in popularity, trading in the car for a bicycle has become more commonplace than ever. Some cyclists strap on their helmets and ride for exercise or enjoyment while others view cycling as a way to protect the environment from unnecessary emissions. Although cycling has many benefits, cyclists can…

One key to success on the golf course can’t be found at the pro shop. It’s your physical condition as a golfer. Pain shouldn’t be par for the course. Get in golf shape to protect your back and improve your game, without the pain. When you consider the spinal rotation that goes into a golf…

One of the main causes of back pain is too much sitting. We often see patients who are experiencing intense back pain. This pain usually starts from their low back and travels down their leg into the calf muscle.  By the time they reach our clinic, many of them have performed a Google search, and self-diagnose themselves as…

You don’t have to be a chiropractor to know that our backbones are some of the most important bones in our bodies. They protect our spinal cord and for most people, they keep us walking straight and tall. For a person with scoliosis, however, the spine can also be the source of a number of…

If you have ever suffered from back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Simple tasks such as sitting to standing, or putting on shoes can become excruciating. In fact, I have had many new moms tell me that their back pain experience was worse than the pain they felt during labor and delivery. …

Fresh salmon and fresh veggies, that you probably have in your fridge, make up this easy salad. Fresh salmon takes approximately the same amount of time to cook as the pasta but go with canned if that’s what you have on hand. Growing up by the sea, I’ve eaten a fair amount of salmon and…

As the summer approaches, Ontarians are trading their toques, mittens and gloves for baseball caps, spring jackets and even, dare I say, t-shirts. The summer is the perfect time for Ontarians to take a break from winter and fly off to warmer destinations. Unfortunately, plane trips, whether they be long or short, can take a…

By Dr. Tanvi Tijoriwala, Naturopathic Doctor   Have you ever felt frustrated because you have been dieting and working out for some time, but the number on the scale doesn’t seem to budge?  If you have tried everything from the keto diet to calorie counting to HIT workouts to yoga and nothing seems to work to…

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